About Me

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I'm complicated. As long as you get that, it's pretty simple...

Friday, January 22, 2010

things to understand about the storm cloud blog

this isn't really a blog so much as it is a dumping ground for my writing.

it's sort of personal, but if i cared that badly about people reading it, it wouldn't be online...duh.

not everything is time/date accurate. a lot of these things i post once they're old, either because i've dealt with it and am releasing it, i forgot about it and put it up there to remind myself to work on it, or i found it on some scrap of paper and put it here so as to not potentially lose it completely.

there are mainly pictures of myself, not cuz i'm vain but because my self-portraits are normally to represent something i was feeling and have a meaning to me that i know noone else gets.

this is not necessarily an accurate example of my writing. this is rough, uncultivated, off the top of my head, emotional stuff.

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