"I'd been mistaken that first night when I thought his presence robbed me of breath. It was the opposite. My lungs were so inundated with air, I was overwhelmed by the intense capacity I now had for breathing. It was no longer involuntary, but a distinct task to accomodate the amount of oxygen that flooded into me. It was dizzying as though all my life I'd actually been deprived of an adequate amount and now suddenly, I was feeling true inspiration for the first time. It would take some getting used to for my poor, underdeveloped lungs...
...As I sat there, I felt the miles between us unraveling like a spool of thread. Soon, it would be at its end and this distinct line would just rest there, taught and suspended between us as a perpetual reminder of the distance and what was on the other end."
I'm tired of not being able to breathe.
I'm tired of the thread stretching and pulling more and more.
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